Who or What is the Restrainer?

Holding back

In my previous post I dispensed of the notion that the restrainer (2 Thess. 2:6-7) is the archangel Michael, as many incorrectly believe.  Daniel 12:1 is the only Scripture reference that I know of that is used to support that contention. 

So, who or what is it?  

Of all the other possibilities the only one that makes sense, considering all the requirements of restraining the evil one, is the Holy Spirit.  Here are the ways the Holy Spirit fulfills the role:

  • The Holy Spirit is God, and is therefore stronger than Satan
  • The Holy Spirit operates in the spiritual realm as does Satan.
  • The Holy Spirit dwells in His Church, which is His body. The Church is the salt of the earth, or preservative.
  • The whole world lies under the power of the evil one (1 John 5:19), yet the gates of Hades will not prevail against the Church (Matt. 16:18).
  • 2 Thess 2:6-7 Paul uses the word what and he to describe the Restrainer, which rules out Rome or government. The what is the power of the Holy Spirit and the He is the person of the Holy Spirit. 

Again, Michael has been ruled out – it is not that person.  Nor is it Caesar, or any other political figure or earthly government, because they can not transcend the centuries nor do they have worldwide power.

No other possibility makes as much sense.  That being the case, the only way the Restrainer can be removed is if the Church is removed.  This supports a pre-tribulation rapture.  Why?

The tribulation, otherwise known as the 70th week of Daniel, begins when a covenant or treaty is forged with Israel facilitated by the antichrist (Daniel 9:27).  Therefore, the antichrist is revealed at minimum at the time of the treaty/covenant.  Which means he is revealed at the beginning of the tribulation, not in the middle. 

Since the antichrist is revealed at that time, that means the Church has been evacuated prior to the 7-year tribulation.  The antichrist is not revealed until the Restrainer is taken out of the way.

When the Church is removed the Holy Spirit is taken out of the way and the antichrist will be revealed.  The Church will thus be raptured prior to the 7-year tribulation.


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