If you want to lose weight just go to the equator.


“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.” ― Nikola Tesla

The more I study the scientism of a spinning globe earth, the more insane it becomes.  Continuing on from the last two blogs, I want to explore further the relationship between centrifugal force, the theory of gravity and the idea of a spinning ball earth.

I don’t want you falling asleep trying to read this so I am going to be as succinct as possible with the hope that you the reader will do your own research.  As I said in my last post, the scientific community has had 500 years to weave their tapestry of a heliocentric model.  It started with a theory and then equations were created to support the theory.

But if you can think clearly, you will discover flaw after flaw with the heliocentric, infinite cosmos concept.  Case in point – centrifugal force and how it must work on a spinning ball earth.

We are told that the earth’s rotation is spinning at a velocity of 1,040 mph at the equator, which is 0° latitude.  The distance around the globe at that latitude is alleged to be 24, 901 miles.  (Assuming a perfect spheroid which we are told the earth is not; it’s oblate.  But it is irrelevant to the point.)  If you were in Minneapolis, MN, you would be standing just a couple of degrees below the 45th parallel, or 45° N latitude, which is halfway between the equator and the north pole.  So for this discussion we’ll pretend that it is at 45° latitude. The circumference around the earth at 45° latitude (north or south) is supposed to be 17,637 miles and the speed of the rotation at that latitude would be 735.67 mph.  That’s right, the rotation is moving slower the farther away from the equator you go because the distance of the latitude circumference is shorter.  If you were to stand exactly at the north pole dead center, you would barely be moving if the earth looked something like the picture below..

Now, picture yourself on one of those merry-go-rounds that we used to play on in the park.   We would grab those rails and start running until we couldn’t run any faster and then we would jump on. Remember how hard it was to hang on the faster it went?  Imagine how hard it would be to hold on if it was going around at 1,040 mph.  Ok, keep this in your mind.

Here is where you must think clearly!

This is the formula for centrifugal force: Fc = mv2/r which is mass x (velocity squared) divided by the radius.

A 200 lb. man standing at the equator would supposedly experience gravity holding him on the earth while it spins at 1,040 mph.  If you plug 200 into the equation as M, or mass, the man’s true weight would be 54,784 lbs. (54,584 + 200).  V=1040 mph and r= 3963 miles.   So 200 (mass) x 1,081,600 (velocity of 1040 squared) = 216,320,000.  216,320,000 divided by the radius of 3963 = 54,584.   54,584 is the outward pulling force but because of gravity, his scale weight is 200.

But what must happen to that man’s experience as he travels away from the equator?  As he travels north to Minneapolis, the velocity of the spin would become slower and slower.  Therefore, the centrifugal force would decrease.  However, gravity would remain constant.  By the time that man reached Minneapolis, the centrifugal force would become 38,560 (r=2807.1 miles and v=735.67 mph) and his effective weight or scale weight would become 15,720 lbs.  (54,280 – 38,560)!   And if he were to go and stand on the north pole dead center, his scale weight would be 54,280 lbs. because there would be no centrifugal force!

No one could survive those changes.  The human body would be crushed under it’s own weight.  But it doesn’t happen.  Why not?  Well, the only way it could NOT happen on a spinning ball earth is if gravity adjusted itself to the velocity of latitude.   However,  that cannot happen because gravity, we are told, is relative to mass not velocity.   The effect of centrifugal force in countering gravity has led it sometimes to be called “false gravity” or “imitation gravity” or “quasi-gravity”.  But gravity is not intelligent, it can’t know where you are on the globe to adjust itself.

It’s a very big problem for the globe earth model isn’t it?  Interestingly, Isaac Newton knew it was a problem.  So you know what he did?  He came up with a novel new force called Centripetal Force.  This is where things really get in the weeds and the ‘deep thinking’ starts to occur.  You can go here and read the history of centrifugal and centripetal force.  If you have your eyes open, you will begin to see how equations and formulas are constructed based on a premise of ‘planetary motion’.  It is a philosophical exercise that attempts to create a scientific proof, if you will.  In other words, they have to come up with something to support the premise of a spinning and orbiting earth and to overcome any flaws with the theory.

Believe it or not, deep thinking can produce seemingly genius equations that have no basis in reality.  This is what Tesla was getting at.

So what is Centripetal Force?  It’s a figment of someone’s imagination, in my opinion.  What it is supposed to be is an equal but opposite force to centrifugal force.  In fact, scientism says that centrifugal force actually does not exist, but centripetal force does.  That’s right, centrifugal force is fictitious, imaginary.   Here is a link from the University of Virginia as an illustrative reference.   It is truly bizarre.  Here is a direct quote:

An object traveling in a circle behaves as if it is experiencing an outward force. This force, known as the centrifugal force, depends on the mass of the object, the speed of rotation, and the distance from the center. The more massive the object, the greater the force; the greater the speed of the object, the greater the force; and the greater the distance from the center, the greater the force.

It is important to note that the centrifugal force does not actually exist. We feel it, because we are in a non-inertial coordinate system. Nevertheless, it appears quite real to the object being rotated. This is because the object believes that it is in a non-accelerating situation, when in fact it is not. For instance, a child on a merry-go-round is not experiencing any real force outward, but he/she must exert a force to keep from flying off the merry-go-round. Because the centrifugal force appears so real, it is often very useful to use as if it were real. The more massive the object, the greater the force. We know that this is true because an adult will have a harder time staying on a merry-go-round than a child will. The greater the speed of rotation, the greater the outward force. We know that this is true because a merry-go-round is harder to stay on, the faster it rotates. If you move further out on the merry-go-round, you will have to exert a greater force to stay on. In order to stay on a circular path, we must exert a force towards the center called centripetal (or “center-seeking”) force. Consider a rope with a ball on the end. You can swirl the ball around in a circle over your head while holding onto the rope. The ball experiences the so-called centrifugal force, and it is the rope that provides the force to keep in moving in the circle.”

Now, I don’t mean to say that some force exists naturally that is experienced when you start going in circles.  Centrifugal force is created when something moves in a circle and ultimately it is just velocity.  But reality says that when you are going in a circle, you are thrown away from the center.  Science says that centripetal force is a real force that keeps something going in the circle at a constant distance and speed.  But all of the examples given to prove this theory are based on something being ‘tethered’ to the center of the spinning object and that is not what we are debating here – something being tethered, that is.   And do not be confused, centripetal force is NOT gravity.  In fact, the formula for centripetal force is the same as centrifugal!

Folks, this is just techno-babble.  Do your own research.  On a spinning earth, if you weigh 200 lbs. in Minneapolis, then you would only weigh 2.54 lbs. on the equator.   So evidently all you have to do to lose weight is head south.

By the way…THAT’S 30 LBS. LESS THAN HE WOULD WEIGH ON THE MOON!  That is of course if anyone could actually stand on the moon and the moon had gravity.

Mucho gracias to Rob Cookson, owner of flatearthbible.com for all of his input.

Dan Baker

Rockets and the Globe II with Special Guest Gravity


I want to preface this post with an observation.  The Copernicans have had 500 years to develop their helio-centric model.  It is composed of mountainous volumes of sophisticated language and formulas based on a premise.  If you don’t understand the language it is difficult to argue with.  So Biblical-earthers are at a slight disadvantage in terms of debate but things are rapidly changing.  It is much similar to the creation-evolution debate in that it took a little while for Creation Science to catch up on all the so-called evidence of evolution.  Now, it is obvious that evolution is absurd.  That’s because the premise has been debunked and that makes all of their so-called evidence nonsense. 

As a case study, let’s take gravity.  I submit that gravity only makes sense if you accept the notion that the earth is a spinning ball floating in a vacuum with an atmosphere being kept securely around it.  In other words, gravity had to be thought up in order to explain why the atmosphere (and everything else) doesn’t get sucked out into the unbelievably powerful vacuum of space.  Remember, nature abhors a vacuum.   The earth, we are told, has just the right amount of size and density to exert the gravitational force necessary to hold everything to it including the molecules of the atmosphere.  Somehow mass and density create the magical power called gravity.

There are all kinds of human agencies that have been built and organized to validate the premise.  These agencies and organizations include NASA and other nation’s ‘space programs’.  Billions of dollars are being poured into these organizations.  The general public sees rockets being shot into the air.  Ergo, space exists and the earth is spinning through it.  

The number of people that recognize the Biblical earth model as the truth is growing at break-neck speed.  The first ever international conference was held in North Carolina this past November and tickets sold out quickly.  You can find video of the speakers on youtube or flatearthbible.com.   It is an awakening unlike no other in history.  The passage that comes to mind is Luke 8:17:

“For nothing is hidden that shall not become evident, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.”

I believe that we are living in a time where God is exposing and revealing as never before.  I find it not coincidental that, as the spread of the notion of intelligent life in outer space is accelerating in the mainstream, right alongside of it is the realization by millions that the earth has no curve and the sun and moon move in circuits above the plane.   These millions are recognizing that what the Bible says is true of creation, namely that the earth is a flat plane with a transparent or translucent hard dome firmament over it, and all of it is fixed and immovable except the stars within the firmament.   The earth is it, there is no space.  There is the earth, the firmament and the 3rd heaven above it.   This is Biblical cosmology.

We who are recognizing this may not have the grasp of the math equations that support a ball earth theory but we do have common sense and we do have eyes to see.  In this venue I have no desire to try and argue each issue within the scope of the grand debate.  It would take too long.  But there is an argument for each issue such as satellites, all the people in on the hoax, ships going ‘below the horizon’, alleged photos of the earth from space, etc., etc., etc.  There is much evidence to refute all of the helio-centric claims and each person must do the research for themselves.  And here is the thing – you have to be genuinely open to receive truth, whatever the truth is.  It’s a lot like the Gospel of salvation.  If you don’t want to see it, you won’t.

If you accept the spinning globe earth premise, then gravity and all of the equations and formulas make sense. 

I was presented with additional information about how the spinning earth provides momentum to a rocket leaving earth’s atmosphere in the spinning earth model.  To wit:  it is the atmosphere of the earth that provides the ‘push’.  The atmosphere, in this conjecture, is moving in sync with the spin of the earth and at some point when the rocket leaves the atmosphere it is shot out by the 1000 mph atmospheric force (which is how fast the earth is supposed to be spinning on an axis) into space.

So, according to more ‘intelligent sources’ and ‘experts’, we are supposed to believe that the atmosphere is moving at 1000 mph hand in hand with the spinning land below.  This happens because of the mysterious force of gravity.  This gravity not only keeps the atmosphere from being sucked out into the incredibly powerful vacuum of space (which does not exist), it also keeps it locked in synch with the motion of the earth.  Let’s examine this idea. 

The atmosphere moves west to east with the motion of the spinning earth, we are told.  And it moves in perfect synchrony with the earth, so much so we can’t tell that we are moving.   I have no idea how to calculate it but there must be an enormous amount of centrifugal force being exerted that could send everything flying if it were not for the miraculous gravity.   So not only is there the vacuum of space pulling at the atmosphere, there is centrifugal force also pulling on everything on the surface of the earth and above, due to the spin.   Centripetal force is the ‘equal and opposite force’ of centrifugal that keeps an object or substance spinning in a circle with the center of the spinning object.

The atmosphere must experience both forces under the spinning earth theory.  If you were to take a hand blender and stick it in some soup, you would notice the soup closest to the blender blades would be moving faster in the direction of the blades than soup farther from the center of the blade.  The farther away from the vortex, the slower the soup would be moving in a circle.  The same characteristics would be expected with the atmosphere circling with the motion of the earth.  It would not be in perfect synch from inside-out with regard to the atmosphere.  But it would be moving with constant speed inside-out.  The farthest reach of the atmosphere would be traveling much slower than near the earth. 

Now, consider also that the farther out you go from earth, the thinner the air becomes.  So not only is the air going much slower than the spin of the earth, there is less and less of it.  Yet, we are to accept that a rocket gets so much more thrust and boost from being propelled by the speed of the atmosphere!

It just doesn’t bear up under logical scrutiny.

Consider, too, that weather moves generally from west to east.  How is this possible with the earth spinning west to east – the same direction?  Think about this for a few minutes!!  Weather would actually be moving against the atmosphere and faster than the motion of the earth!

The whole idea that we are spinning at 1000 mph and the atmosphere with it, yet we can not feel or sense this, is ludicrous on it’s face.  

It is fascinating what cognitive dissonance can do to a mind.  You really have to suspend logic and common sense to accept this stuff from NASA.  Sometimes all you have to do is a little thinking.  See my other posts under Bible Cosmology.

Dan Baker

Rockets and the Spinning Globe


NASA says that rockets are launched eastward with the spin of the earth in order for the rocket to get a boost from the spin.  In other words, they say that the spin of the earth gives the launched vehicle greater momentum and thrust into space.    This allows the rocket to save fuel, they say.  You can see the NASA explanation at this link.

Then why would that not apply to jets and planes?  NASA says the spin affects the velocity and momentum of the rocket as it flies through the atmosphere and into space.  Therefore the spin should have the same affect with planes and jets as they take off. 

For example, if a plane takes off at the equator from east to west, the spin of the earth being against the take off, the plane would have the opposite experience.  The plane would have an earth spinning 1000 MPH (approx.) against it.  That would mean that the plane that takes off at 250 mph would have a net speed of 1250 mph at take-off.  Then, when it reaches cruising speed at say 500 mph, it’s speed would be a net 1500 mph over the surface of the earth.   This means that a plane traveling from east to west, against the spin, would be able to travel 3000 miles in 2 hours (New York to Los Angeles). 

If it travels the opposite direction at a maximum speed of 500 mph, it would not reach New York (pretending New York and LA are on the equator) until the earth rotated one full rotation and New York actually came from behind the plane below on it’s axis.   The speed of the rotating earth would be twice that of the plane.

NASA can’t have it’s physics work two different ways.

Either the spin of the earth is negative with regard to launched and flying vehicles or it is positive.  If it affects the launch of the rocket then it must also affect the launch and flight of planes and jets as they travel the skies. 

The problem is that a plane that leaves St. Louis for Kansas City will arrive the same time as a plane traveling from Kansas City to St. Louis if they fly at the same speed.  That is not possible, according to NASA, on a spinning globe earth.   But it is on a Biblical earth.

Dan Baker

Did the Sun Stop?


Joshua commanding the Sun

“Then Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel,

            ‘O sun, stand still at Gibeon, and O moon in the valley of Aijalon,’

So the sun stood still and the moon stopped, until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies.”  Joshua 10:12-13

I watched one of my favorite movies the other day for the umpteenth time.  It is ‘Inherit the Wind’ starring Spencer Tracy and Fredric March.  I love it for the acting, writing and directing, not the message of the film. 

It is based on the true story of the ‘Scopes Monkey Trial’ which is the famous trial of the teacher in Tennessee who broke the law by teaching evolution.  Tracy plays the Clarence Darrow character and March the William Jennings Bryant character.  They both bring a phenomenal performance to the screen. 

It was nominated for 4 Academy Awards, including best actor for Tracy and best screenplay, but surprisingly won none.  I say surprisingly because not only was it a brilliant film with incredible performances and cinematography, but the message of the movie was decidedly left-wing, anti-Biblical and anti-traditional propaganda, just the type of garbage the Hollywood left loves to promote.

The film portrays the townspeople as backward, ignorant, bigoted hayseeds and the William Jennings Bryant character as a fanatical Bible thumping egotist.  But a critique of the film isn’t what I’m writing about here.  It was the dialogue in a scene that spurred me to write.

In the scene in question, Henry Drummond (the Clarence Darrow character played by Tracy) asks Matthew Brady (the William Jennings Bryant character played by March) to take the stand and testify as a Bible expert.  Drummond is defending the evolution teacher and Brady was brought in by the prosecution to try the defendant. 

Brady agrees to testify.  Drummond proceeds to break down Brady’s ‘radical’ Christian viewpoint and eventually makes him look like a foaming at the mouth fool.  Here is the portion of dialogue I wanted to focus on:

Drummond: You believe that every word written in this book should be taken literally?

Brady: Everything in the Bible should be accepted exactly as it is given there.

Drummond: Now what about this part right here, where it talks about Jonah being swallowed by the whale? You figure that really happened?

Brady: The Bible does not say “a whale.” It says, “a big fish.”

Drummond: As a matter of fact, it says “a great fish.” But, I guess that one’s pretty much the same as the other. Now, what do you think about that business?

Brady: I believe in a God who can make a whale, and who can make a man, and make both do what He pleases.

Lady in the audience: God Bless you, Matthew Harrison Brady.

Audience: Amen, amen….

Drummond: I want those “amens” in the record. Now I recollect a story about Joshua — Joshua making the sun stand still. As an expert, do you tell me that that’s as right as the Jonah business? That’s a pretty neat trick.

Brady: I do not question or scoff at the miracles of the Lord, as do ye of little faith.

Drummond: Have you ever pondered what would actually happen to the earth if the sun stood still?

Brady: You can testify to that if I get you on the stand.

Drummond: If, as they say, the sun stood still, they must have had some kind of an idea that the sun moved around the earth. You think that’s the way of things? Or don’t you believe that the earth moves around the sun?

Brady: I have faith in the Bible.

Drummond: You don’t have much faith in the solar system.

Brady: The sun stopped.

Drummond:   Good! Now, if what you say actually happened — if Joshua stopped the sun in the sky — the earth stopped spinning on its axis, mountains toppling, tectonic plates crashing into one another,  and the earth, shriveled to a cinder, crashed into the sun. Now, how come they missed that little tidbit of news?

Brady:   They missed it because it didn’t happen.

Drummond:   But it had to happen. It must’ve happened, according to natural law. Or don’t you believe in natural law, Mr. Brady? Would you ban Copernicus from the classroom along with Charles Darwin? Would you pass a law throwing out all scientific knowledge since Joshua?

Drummond asked a lot of important questions.  Of course his questions were aimed at trying to demonstrate that the Bible is comprised of a bunch of stories that are ignorant of scientific “facts”.

My point of discussion is if the sun did stop, and the earth does spin on an axis and orbit the sun, then Drummond’s description of what would happen is dead-on.

Try to envision yourself on a cruise liner at sea and you are sitting in the dining room having dinner.  Pretend this cruise liner is traveling at 1000 miles an hour and its giant anchor accidentally breaks loose and sinks to the ocean bottom and lodges fast.  The ship comes to an immediate stop – 1000 to 0 at once.  What would happen?  Catastrophe!

That’s what would happen to the earth if it suddenly went from spinning 1000 mph to 0.  The incredible centrifugal force WOULD cause mountains to topple!  Tectonic plates WOULD crash into each other causing global earthquake devastation!  People WOULD be hurled forward smashing into anything in their path.  The earth, now no longer spinning, WOULD start to be sucked toward the sun, its orbit decaying.  It would be the end of the world.  So why didn’t that happen?

There are 3 possible reasons.

The first is that it never really happened.  It’s just a fable, a myth.  Joshua never ‘stopped the sun’.

The second is that God, in stopping the earth from spinning, used His power to make sure none of the disastrous things would happen because of the earth’s rotation coming to a sudden halt.  It’s a very convenient explanation.  But that’s usually what Christians employ when trying to reconcile the Bible with mainstream science.

The other explanation is that the Bible is true.  The sun stopped, not the earth, as it says.

Drummond says that if you believe that this story happened as the Bible described, then you deny Natural Law, you deny the solar system.  In the solar system model, I totally agree with him.  So that rules out the second explanation, in my opinion. 

And I don’t believe the story is a fable.

It’s interesting that Drummond linked Copernicus with Darwin.  Mainstream scientism says evolution is a fact – the science is completely valid.  It says if you think that God created man in a day, you are a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal. 

Yet we know today, after many years of creation science research, that evolution is a horribly flawed, and frankly, fraudulent theory.  It requires way more faith to accept than Genesis.  But they have all kinds of visual aids (read artist renditions), science babble and mainstream support to help keep it alive as ‘real’ science.

So do you accept Darwin as you do Copernicus?

What do you believe, Christian?  And why?

Related: see my post ‘Every Eye Will See Him’